Chemotherapy - Feelings ~ Health Guide

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Chemotherapy - Feelings

Written by Mystic on Monday, August 04, 2008

People react in different ways when they learn they have cancer. Feelings of grief, anger or hopelessness can be frightening when they occur. They can also change, quite violently. Treatment which makes you feel tired or sick can also have emotional effects and you may feel isolated because of these feelings. Emotions are a natural safety valve; recognising and sharing them with people you trust can help you to manage during your treatment.

Your emotional well being is as important as your physical health. Everyone needs some support during difficult times and having cancer is one of the most stressful situations you are likely to face.

Anxiety, fear or depression may be prompted by apparently trivial problems, such as having to change your usual daily routine to fit in with treatments, or something more obvious such as the side effects of treatments. If you do feel low or worried, for whatever reason, it is important to know that you are not alone. Many people with cancer are likely to have felt as you do at some time during their treatment. Like them, you can overcome feeling fearful or discouraged.

Knowledge can be an antidote to fear, so if you don't understand something about your treatment or disease and you want to know about side effects and possible outcomes of treatment - ask!

Regular updates on your progress are important for your emotional health. Asking your doctor for these will also give him or her the opportunity to reassure you if things are progressing rather more slowly than expected and to discuss changing your drugs or treatment plan if necessary.

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