Health Guide

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Pregnancy Related Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Written by Mystic on Saturday, March 22, 2008

Introduction :
Numbness, tingling and pain in the hand caused by compression of nerves in the wrist.

Cause :
Most readers will have heard of RSI (repetition strain injury) which has been one of the "in" diseases in recent years. Carpal tunnel syndromeis one of several different conditions of the joints, bones, tendons and muscles that may cause RSI. Your wrist is made up of eight small bones, which are arranged into two lines of four bones each. These bones are all joined together by ligaments. These wrist bones are further arranged into an arch, with the open part of the arch on the palm side of the wrist. This arch is maintained by a band of ligament that runs across the open part of the arch, forming a half circle shaped tunnel, the carpal tunnel. Through this tunnel run the arteries, veins, nerves, muscles and tendons that supply and move the hand. It is thus a very crowded area. If you use your wrist a great deal (as in typing or playing the piano), the tendons running through this narrow tunnel may become strained and inflamed. They then swell, and this causes increasing pressure in the carpal tunnel, which cannot expand because it is made of solid bone and ligaments. The slow collapse of the bony arch with old age and rheumatoid arthritis, results in the same problem. Pregnancy is a very common cause of the syndrome, due to the retention of fluid, and slight swelling of all tissues that occurs. Some women find the syndrome flares just before a period with their premenstrual tension, for the same reason.

Typists, truck drivers, musicians, pregnant women and the elderly. Theseare the groups of people who are most likely to develop this distressing condition.

Prevention :
Strapping or splinting the wrist during repetitive use may prevent the problem from occurring.

Investigations :
Once the condition is suspected, x-rays of the wrist, and studies to measure the rate of nerve conduction in the area, are performed to confirm the diagnosis. In obvious cases, the tests may be unnecessary.

Course :
The most vulnerable structures in the carpal tunnel are the nerves, and pressure on these causes the burning pain, tingling, numbness and weakness of the hand that are characteristic of this syndrome. The symptoms are often worse after sleeping with the wrists flexed, while reading a newspaper, or gripping a steering wheel.

Treatment :
Treatment depends upon the severity and cause. In pregnancy, when the problem will probably settle after the birth, splinting of the wrist and rest are often all that is necessary. In other cases, if splinting does not work, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory tablets (see Medication Table), fluid removing medication (diuretics - see Medication Table), and injections of steroids into the wrist may be tried. Many cases progress and require surgery to release the pressure on the nerves inside the carpal tunnel. This is a very simple operation, done under local or general anaesthetic, and the patient is left with a small scar across the wrist on the palm side. Only one day in hospital is necessary. Urgent surgery is sometimes required with severe cases during pregnancy. Obviously, the sooner the problem is treated, the less likely it is that long term problems will develop. Treatment should be sought at the first sign of discomfort in the hand or wrist, not when the pain becomes unbearable.

Rarely, in untreated cases, permanent numbness or weakness may occur in the hand.

Outcome :
The vast majority of cases recover completely with appropriate treatment.

Carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy

Baby's first feeding

Written by Mystic on Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby's first feeding routine
A flexible routine is required. No two babies are the same and a baby will not necessarily conform to a mothers' schedule or indeed to the anticipated four hourly pattern.

  • Baby should feed often and be comfortable at the breast.
  • Feeding times vary in the first few weeks at between six to eight times in a twenty four hour period.
  • Leaking milk can occur between feeds triggered by emotions or hearing baby's cry. Breast pads will protect clothes.
  • Feeding is best done in a comfortable position to avoid backache and baby dragging on the breast. Sit upright with back support, or lean slightly forward with breasts falling slightly towards baby. Stack pillows, if necessary, to ensure baby is level with breast.
  • Baby should "latch" onto a good mouthful of breast tissue. Sucking on the end of the nipple can be painful and will cause tender nipples.
  • Feeding should be a pleasurable bonding experience for both mother and baby.
Baby Feeding

Breastfeeding Newborn

Written by Mystic on Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why is breastfeeding considered the preferable method for feeding a newborn?

  • Breast milk is a complex and living fluid and discoveries continue to be made about its unique properties.

Breastfeeding is considered the best start in life because it:
  • Provides all the nutrients in the ideal form
  • Contains antibodies that protect babies from infections
  • Is free from germs
  • Protects against some diseases of later childhood and adult life
  • Bonds mothers and babies and makes them both feel warm and secure
  • Reduces the risk of allergies
  • Is convenient and economical
  • Lessens the chance of diarrhoea which is more common in artificially fed babies
  • Alters daily and even during a feed to suit baby's changing needs

What happens when you breastfeed the newborn?

The first milk made by the breast is called colostrum. It is:
  • thick and creamy yellow in colour
  • rich in special properties protective properties

After a few days the mature milk comes in.
  • The breasts become fuller due to the increased milk supply and swollen breast tissue
  • Engorgement, an uncomfortable feeling of tenderness and fullness, can occur if the milk comes in quickly. This usually disappears as baby's feeding matches the mother's milk supply.

Breastfeeding Newborn: Introduction